As IPM is a continuously evolving process, training in IPM should not stop with just one course, but needs to be prolonged after courses or between two courses. In this section you can find post-training information that can be used by trainers to maintain contact with trainees. It includes sources of information at both national and European Union levels and case studies of participatory IPM programmes.
Introduction |
Tools_Introduction [pdf - 48309 kB]
ENDURE Training in Integrated Pest Management leaflet | ||
Number Four: Logarithmic spraying to visualise pesticide efficacy |
Training in Integrated Pest Management Number Four [pdf - 139 MB]
Interactive | Theoretical | Systems |
T1_EIC [pdf - 16285 kB]
T5_Identification_of_natural_enemies [pdf - 27198 kB]
T13_WinterCropsRotations [pdf - 32977 kB]
T2_EuroWheat [pdf - 17104 kB]
T6_Use_of_biological_control [pdf - 26964 kB]
T14_MaizeBasedRotations [pdf - 23861 kB]
T3_Euroblight [pdf - 8277 kB]
T7_Landscape approach [pdf - 27773 kB]
T15_FieldVegetables [pdf - 21881 kB]
T4_IOBC guidelines and tools [pdf - 12959 kB]
T8_AESA [pdf - 27559 kB]
T16_Pomefruit [pdf - 24036 kB]
T9_Use_of_semiochemicals [pdf - 26736 kB]
T17_Grapevines [pdf - 22841 kB]
T10_Pest_and_natural_enemy_monitoring [pdf - 26800 kB]
T18_ProtectedCrops [pdf - 22607 kB]
T11_DSS [pdf - 29805 kB]
T12_Resistant and tolerant varieties [pdf - 23542 kB]
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